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Freedom 365™

The world’s first interactive, Virtual Recovery System™
providing 365-days of addiction support & recovery strategy.
No matter where you are, on any device.

Confidential, HIPAA compliant, affordable and discreet.

Health & Wellness 2022

Back to Work & School

Voluntary Benefits, Safety Training & Employee Support in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Piazza Marketing LLC offers institutions, companies and organizations a unique set of tools to assist employees and students returning to work in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our team has a deep background in supplementary benefits programs, corporate budgeting and finance, and employee welfare management. Our 2022 initiative is to engage our experience, plus new technologies and cloud based solutions to help companies and organizations innovate and move forward in the Covid-19 era and beyond.



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Why Choose Us!

The Covid pandemic has altered the workplace and institutional landscape for employers, employees, faculties and students. Piazza Marketing LLC specializes in identifying gaps in health and welfare benefits and offers innovative and customizable solutions.

Virtual Programs for Addiction Recovery

Freedom 365 puts addiction recovery in the hands of employees and students struggling with addiction. Our industry leading virtual program increases compliance and accountability through technology that puts tools directly into your hands.

Supplemental Benefits Analysis & Consultation

Piazza Marketing LLC expertly looks at your needs, your budget and the goals of the organization – all in light of new health and safety requirements in our current pandemic scenario. We understand the relationship between fiscal responsibility and employee welfare and we help companies find solutions inside and outside the box.

Bespoke Employee Training and Enrollment Services

You don’t have to go it alone. At Piazza Marketing LLC we partner with our clients. We are more than consultants with recommendations. Ask us about adoption and implementation of wellness and safety programs.