Kelley Johnson has worked as a trusted advisor in the insurance industry for 20 years. Her experience started out in Medical Billing for many years in a pediatric office, to then transition into the Insurance Industry to work aside her mother in following in her grandfathers’ footsteps as Vice President of their 50 year old insurance agency. Kelley immediately understood the meaning of a family business and dedicated the next 12 years to making certain her grandfathers’ legacy lived on. Healthcare Reform was having a large impact on the mom & pop insurance agencies. It was a difficult decision, but as technology and the ACA were having a strong impact on the insurance industry, she decided it would be best to join a National Insurance Agency assuring her long term clients were in the best hands possible when it came to innovation and technology standards.

Kelley joined NFP in 2012 and was very active as an insurance broker in many industries, however, Recovery & Treatment Centers were always her focus. Her passion to service this industry was rewarding as she always had a strong connection due to losing many friends as well as family struggles with substance abuse.

Kelley was introduced to Freedom 365 in 2018 and immediately knew the impact this comprehensive tool would have on the masses. As she continued to work as an insurance broker, she knew she wanted to focus on making a difference in the addiction space.

In early 2020 she saw the negative changes Covid-19 was having on America. She knew Freedom 365 was the additional layer of support that was desperately needed now, more than ever and at that time made it her passion to do whatever it takes to help those suffering in silence with mental health and addiction issues.

Summer of 2020 she worked as an Insurance Instructor which was extremely rewarding as she was also working to making positive changes in peoples’ lives as well as continuing to work on introducing Freedom 365 to the world.

Fall of 2020 Kelley became appointed with Aflac, which she had marketed & highly promoted as a broker through her colleagues, for many years offering Aflac’s Voluntary plans to her clients.

Kelley’s core values are doing whatever it takes in assisting her clients and truly making a difference in the world.